
Decisions, Decisions: Captain or Doctor, what is a poor Mercenary to do? Song: You May Be Right by Billy Joel
Just a Girl: Girls with guns. What more fun can there be? Song: I'm Just A Girl by No Doubt
Rebel Girl: Zoe is the original rebel girl. Song: Rebel Girl by Letters to Cleo
Serenity: Mal's in love with his ship and not afraid to show it! Song: Lukey's Boat by Great Big Sea
Die Another Day: Serenity's crew having fun with guns and explosions. Song: Die Another Day by Madonna

Note: All vids are under 5mb unless stated otherwise! And if you like the vids, please let me know because feedback is very, very inspiring!

disclaimer: obviously none of these characters are mine. I make no money from anything on this site. I am in love with all of these shows and there are more each and every day. they belong solely to the companies and people who have been lucky enough to bring them into our living rooms every week, even those that are no longer on television. the pictures I've gathered from various websites over the years, though a few are my own caps, or caps from friends. there is no intent to do anything on this website except to entertain and show my love and admiration for all these shows in my own way. if you find this material offensive, feel free to go somewhere else, no one's forcing you to read anything and there are warnings all over the place.