Keep Your Enemies Close...An Angel/Supernatural crossover |
Part 1: | Wolfram & Hart make a big mistake taking Angel's soul away, but then they make an even bigger one by taking Dean Winchester from his brother Sam, forcing him to invoke demon powers of his own. NC18 warnings: dark!fic!, slave!fic, non-con, violence, INCEST. spoilers: everything for Angel, up through S3 of SPN. |
Owned |
Part 1: | Wesley will do anything to get Angel back. NC18 warnings:
dark!fic!, slave!fic!, angst, violence. spoilers: follows Down Deep
pretty exclusively and then branches off. Some actual dialogue taken
from the episode.
A/N: big smooches and thanks to Nei'chan, because I was re-reading her Thrall fic when the inspiration to this hit! go read it! |
Deadboy & Zeppo |
Anatomy of a Song |
Part 1: | When Buffy goes missing, Xander has to face the people who used to be his friends, which Angel's not all that happy about. NC17 |
Part 2: | The lead to find Buffy doesn't turn out as planned. NC17 |
Part 3: | Angel finally gets to Xander, but is it too late? NC18
Author's Notes: This will really only make sense if you read the original fic, Deadboy & Zeppo writen by Litgal1. (It's down the bottom of the page, after The Sentinel fics that are also just gorgeous!) I don't normally make people do homework, and technically you could read this if you don't mind being a little confused, but you should really go read D&Z first. It's an incredibly rich story with wonderful characterizations that will keep you on the edge of your seat! |
Recovery |
Part 1: | Doyle comes back to help Angel and Wesley recover from losing the rest of the team, but is the cure worse than the illness? NC17 |
Part 2: | The gang from Sunnydale shows up and Wesley and Angel get to deal with jealous ex's on both sides. NC17 |
Lifting the Curse |
Part 1: | Angel is thrown into a mystical coma and Wesley takes the reins of Wolfram & Hart. (yeah, I know, cheesy plot device, but hey, it works! *grin*) R for violence and angst and bad language. Wow! it's an episode! hehehe. |
Stand Alone Stories |
Strategy: | All's fair in love and war. wingfic! |